Ever since my childhood, I've been captivated by the digital world. I fondly recall my mother's playful warnings, saying, "You'll end up with square eyes." While my eyesight might not have benefited, my passion for technology has only grown.
The boundless potential of the World Wide Web inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a software developer.
My academic journey began with training at a higher technical school in Vorarlberg. Afterwards, I gained valuable experience as an IT technician in the industry. To deepen my knowledge, I chose to study Software Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Vorarlberg.
Today, after a total of 8 years immersed in various technologies, I'm proud to offer professional developments, designs, and solutions, not just as an individual but backed by an extensive network of experts.
I warmly welcome you to my company website and am excited to work together to bring your digital visions to life.